|display>[You make your way up the stairs and through the open gym doors…]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Nobody is here.” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“What the heck man.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture3-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I guess we made it across campus in record speed.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Well now we have to set everything up.” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Ugh you’re right.” Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and your friends arrive at practice too early, nobody is there and the net isn’t set up.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You made it across campus far too fast, maybe next time take more time.]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Beginning Point]] ]|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[You once again come to the crushing realization that your friends are right.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah, we need to get to practice I guess.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Exactly” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Alright, we can take the long way some other time, maybe when there’s less stuff going on.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“What do you mean?” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Nevermind” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and your friends exit the patio and head back on campus walk]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Venture forth]]]|display>[You make your way out of your room, down the hall, down the stairs, and out the door.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[It’s a perfect day outside, 75 degrees and cloudy, your favorite.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You make your way down the front steps and you see that your suitemate is approaching you.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace:?nxt)[Do you want to [[Talk To Them]] or [[Walk past them]]??]**Alarm Goes Off**
[[Time for Volleyball]]
(set: $countdown to 7)|avatar>[]
|display>[Moving past Lee Hall, you and your friends begin a debate on whether or not there’s more doors or wheels in the entire world.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[The argument quickly elevates into a screaming match between Friend A and Friend B]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“ARE YOU STUPID??? HOW MANY DOORS DO YOU THINK THERE ARE???” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture3-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You try to continue walking, but they’re getting too rowdy, so you decide to intervene.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[Who’s side are you gonna take?
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Doors]] or [[Wheels]]]]|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[After thinking for a second you decide that it wouldn’t hurt to be a little more zen before practice, and you want to help your friend calm down.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I could be more zen…” - You]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and your friends head behind Farmer and meditate in the Zen Garden for a while.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[After some silence your friends get up and stretch.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Wow, that was great!” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[ “Yeah I feel a lot better, now let’s start going to practice!” - Friend B
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture2-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Keep going]]]]
(set: $countdown to $countdown - 1)|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[You decide to listen to Friend B and go with him to check your mail.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[As you arrive in the mailroom, you realize that you don’t know your mailbox number or combination, so you have to log into Banner to check.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[After confirming your mailbox number and combo, you look for your box on the massive wall.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Okay…I should be about… right here!” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You find your box and start spinning your numbers on the dial. With a click, your box opens and inside there's…]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Nothing…This is why I don’t check my mail.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“You just about done?” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture4-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah…” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Alright, let’s meet up with Friend A” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Rendezvous]]]
|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[You walk between your friends who are on the verge of fighting, and quickly say:]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!!! Obviously there’s more doors than wheels in the world, think about how many palatial mansions there are with upwards of 100 doors. There aren’t any cars that have that many wheels, not anywhere close to it.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“YES!!! THANK YOU” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“... I’m surrounded by idiots” - Friend A
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Situation Diffused]]]]
|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[You would never say this out loud, but your friends are right, and you decide to enter Woodard.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Dope, I’m gonna go buy a drink” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“And I’ll check my mail” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture2-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[What do you want to do?]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Check your mail]] or [[Go buy a drink]]]
(set: $countdown to $countdown - 1)|avatar>[]
|display>[You walk until you reach Farmer Hall and see that your friends are already waiting for you.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Wassuuuuuuuup” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“How’s it going y’all?” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I’m doing alright.” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“To be quite honest I’ve been feeling super stressed as of late, with all of these time consuming final projects, I haven’t had much time to myself.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Hey I know what we could do! Let’s stop by the Zen Garden and take a moment to gather ourselves with some meditation!” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I don’t know guys, we still have to get to practice…” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“It’ll be really quick! But if you’re really in a rush we don’t have to.” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace:?nxt)[Do you [[Cave into peer pressure]] and go to the Zen Garden or do you [[Stick to your guns]] and get on your merry way to practice?]|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[You decide that you deserve a treat for going to all of your classes that week so far, and so you go with Friend A.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You walk into Eagle’s Nest and see that a lot of people are trying to use Simply to Go.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Wow I don’t think I’ve ever seen it this packed” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I guess caffeinated and sugary drinks are in high demand for finals” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I guess” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and Friend A pick out your drinks and wait in line to check out.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[Once you reach the counter, you pay with your Eagle One and exchange pleasantries with the cashier.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“You good to go?” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah…” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Alright, let’s meet up with Friend B” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Rendezvous]] ]
|display>[You and your friends walk up the hill leading to the gym, and as you do, you hear Friend A grunting and grimacing.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Y’all…I am so sore…I could use a proper warm up.” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“It’s fine man we’ll warm up when we get to practice” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah we’ll do dynamic stretches when we get there” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I wanna get a quick pump in” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Bro…You can NOT be serious right now” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture3-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I don’t know what to say, I wanna hit a lift real quick before practice” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Oh my god” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace:?nxt)[ Will you [[Pump some iron]] or [[Arrive]]?]|display>[Along the way you’ll meet with your friends and encounter various things to do on the long trip from Randolph to Goolrick.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[Do too many of these things and you’ll be late, do too few, and you’ll be early, do just enough, and you’ll be right on time.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[Manage your time wisely, and have fun with your friends on your trip down Campus Walk to go to volleyball practice.]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Begin]]]|avatar>[]
|display>[You and your friends make your walk down Campus Walk, talking about your favorite volleyball anime, Haikyuu, as you move along. You reach Lee Hall and right past it on the left are some beautiful white flowers in full boom.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Look at those flowers guys!” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Wow those are so beautiful, we should stop and smell them like in the movies!” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture3-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)["Why would we do that?!" - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace: ?display)[“If they look good, then they probably smell amazing!” - Friend A
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace:?nxt)[ What do you decide to do? Are you gonna [[Stop and smell the flowers]] or are you going to [[Keep moving forward]]?]]|avatar>[]
|display>[After some thinking, you decide not to give into your desire to smell the beautiful flowers.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Guys we have to get to practice!” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Chillax man, we’ve got plenty of time.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I’m being so deadass right now we need to MOVE” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[Your friends look down, defeated, they know what you’re saying is true.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Alright, let’s go” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Thank you” - You
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Carrying on]]]]|avatar>[]
|display>[You and your friends enjoy a relaxing walk through the woods, but halfway through they begin to argue about what season is the best.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Obviously the best season is winter, winter break, a bunch of holidays, and all the bugs are dead or somewhere else” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture3-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“What are you talking about? Spring is the best season, the bugs aren’t out in full force, and it’s so much warmer and better to be outside” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Spring? Dawg talk about inconsistency, one week it’s 80 degrees and the next it’s 40, like pick a temperature and stick with it” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“And you think winter is better? It’s just cold all the time and it gets dark at 5 in the afternoon. It's depressing as all get out.” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace:?nxt)[ What do you think? Is the best season [[Spring]] or [[Winter]]?]
|display>[You make your way down the hill past the fountain and approach Woodard.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“OH GUYS!” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“What is it?” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I forgot my water bottle…” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Oh come on!” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture3-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Can we stop in Woodard for a second? I just want to buy something from the Simply to Go so I don’t die of thirst” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I wouldn’t mind a stop in Woodard, I could check my mailbox” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“You check your mail?” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“What kind of question is that? Of course I check my mail! Do you not check your mail?” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Ummmm” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Alright we’ve gotta stop now you’ve probably got tons of stuff in there.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ Will you [[Enter Woodard hall]] or [[Stay the course]]?]|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[“What are you talking about Friend B, we don’t have time to dilly dally” - You]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Dilly dally? I just want a smoothie” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture3-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“He’s right man, we’re so close to the gym we’ve gotta get there” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Alright fine, I can get the smoothie after practice” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Let’s go” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Home stretch]] ]
|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[“You know what… I could go for a quick pump as well” - You]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“LETS GO!!!” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Y’all are something else, I’ll sit this one out but I’m not showing up to practice alone.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Suit yourself” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and Friend A go over and lift some weights to warm up your muscles before practice.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“You done?” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah I think I’m good” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Me too” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“FINALLY! We better not be late to practice because you bozos had to get a lift in.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture3-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Arrive]] ]
(set: $countdown to $countdown - 1)|avatar>[]
|display>[You meet back up with Friend A and Friend B on the patio outside Woodard and that prompts an idea.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Hey what do y’all think about taking the forest path?” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Oh like the one out the back over there” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah, it’s super nice outside today we could walk through nature for a bit” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I don’t know man, it’s getting close to practice time, and that’s kinda the long way” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace:?nxt)[ Will you go [[Back to campus walk]] or [[Will you take the wooded path]]?]|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture4-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[As you approach Monroe, you see that Friend B’s eyes light up with an idea.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“GUYS…” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture4-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“What?” - You and Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“LET'S GO FOR A SWIM” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You then look and see that The Fountain of Greatness is turned on and shooting up its majestic water loops, getting the surrounding area showered in water droplets in the process.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“What the hell are you talking about? We’ve got to get to practice and you wanna get wet beforehand?” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Took the words right out of my mouth” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Think about it guys, Goolrick is hotter than a sauna, wouldn’t cooling off in The Fountain of Greatness be good? Think of it like a forbidden pregame.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture4-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I am NOT thinking of it like a forbidden pregame…” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“It does have good reviews on Google, but I still think showing up to practice soaking wet isn’t a good idea.” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Come on guys! It’ll be fun too… probably” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace:?display)[ After that weird argument from Friend B, you have three options as you approach the fountain. You can [[go around to the left]], [[go around to the right]], or [[go through the fountain]].]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
|display>[You decide to step in and offer your sage argument for spring being the best season.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Spring is the best season because the weather improves and the leaves start coming back onto the trees, it becomes super nice outside.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yup that’s what I was saying” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“You make me sad” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I’m spitting facts” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Whatever” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You emerge from the nature path and walk past the backside of the HCC and Arrington to arrive back on campus walk.]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Home stretch]] ]|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[You choose to remain on campus walk, after all, the time is ticking down for you to get to practice, and you don’t want to be late.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Guys come on, Friend A, there’s a water fountain in the gym, and Friend B, nobody checks their mail be so for real.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Hey I check my mail…sometimes” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Ugh fine I can use the fountains, but I’m NOT happy about it.” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You manage to convince your friends to not go into Woodard, but as you do you can’t help but feel you’re missing out on something.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You shake the feeling because volleyball practice waits for no man, and you’ve got to get moving.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Venture forth]] ]|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[After thinking about it for a second you decide that you’ve got things to do and places to be and there’s no time for zen in this day and age.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Come on guys, we've got practice soon! We can’t stop and meditate.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[After some frowns on your friend’s faces they reluctantly acknowledge the reality of the situation and agree to move on.
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Keep going]]]]|avatar>[]
|display>[All these mentions of getting thirsty have gotten to you much like they got to Friend B, and so you side with him and go into Katora.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[As you walk in you’re struck by a distinct smell that you can’t quite describe, but in all honesty it’s probably just the classic coffee shop must.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and Friend B make your way to the front while Friend A complains that Katora isn’t that good and that he wishes it was a Starbucks.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Hello can I get a uhhhhhhhh strawberry banana smoothie please?” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture4-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[The cashier takes the order, walks away for a bit, and then comes back to take your order.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I’ll get the same thing please, a strawberry banana smoothie.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[The cashier does the same thing that they did for Friend B, and in a matter of minutes, comes out with two strawberry banana smoothies.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I freaking LOVE smoothies.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture3-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Calm down dude, you’re gonna have to finish it pretty fast or save it for later.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Oh you best believe I can down this whole thing in no time at all.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“That wasn’t a challenge…” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and your friends leave Katora and start your last hurrah on campus walk]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Home stretch]]]
(set: $countdown to $countdown - 1)|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[“You’re right, Friend A, these flowers look absolutely exquisite, and are totally worth the stop to smell them.” - You]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Awesome!” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and your two friends approach the flowers, prepare yourselves, and inhale with your nose as hard as you can.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[This attempt at smelling the flowers leads to you inhaling a bunch of pollen and inhibiting your ability to smell due to allergies.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[But for a couple of seconds, a fragrant, floral scent fills your brain with thoughts of spring and summer. You visualize yourself frolicking through a field of flowers like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, but with less asbestos.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and your friends lean away from the flowers with a newfound appreciation for nature, and slightly worse allergies.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Wasn’t that worth the stop?” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“You know what, I have to say that it was.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Totally” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture2-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Anyway, let’s keep going.” - You
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Carrying on]]]]
(set: $countdown to $countdown - 1)|display>[“Hey what’s up Sam?” - You]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Not much my guy, I just wanted to talk to you about how disgusting our bathroom is.” - Suitemate Sam]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Oh…okay” - You]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You talk to your roommate for a little bit about how much your bathroom stinks and how your mutual suitemates never restock the toilet paper.]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Get back on track]]]
(set: $countdown to $countdown - 1)|display>[It’s finally time to go to practice, and you’re really excited to go and have a fun time with friends.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[It’s 4:45 and practice starts in 15 minutes.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You’ve got to make your way across campus to get to practice on time.]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Instructions]]][[The day begins...|Beginning Point]]|avatar>[]
|display>[You and your friends make it past Woodard and the library, before approaching the HCC.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[Y’all take a second to comment on the people you see working on their assignments.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Those poor souls” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah, we’ve all been there” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Nothing beats the HCC grind” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Amen to that brother” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Hey we should get smoothies” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture4-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Huh?” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Katora is right here, and Friend A talking about forgetting his water got me thirsty.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“That was minutes ago, what are you talking about?” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I dunno, I just want a smoothie now.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture4-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace:?nxt)[ Do you want to [[Stop and get a smoothie]] or are you gonna [[Press on]]?]|display>[You make your way past your suitemate and onto Campus Walk. Your suitemate waves at you and starts to say something but you don’t acknowledge them in any way.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[What a nice person you are😏]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Get back on track]]]
|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[You walk between your friends who are on the verge of fighting, and quickly say:]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!!! Obviously there’s more wheels than doors in the world, think about how many big trucks there are with 18 wheels. That has got to account for more wheels than the average home would have doors.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“YES!!! THANK YOU” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“... I’m surrounded by idiots” - Friend B
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture3-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Situation Diffused]]]]
|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[You come to the conclusion that days like this don’t happen all that often in the crazy Virginia weather, and so you’re going to take advantage of it.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Let’s go down the path, guys” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I guess it’ll be nice” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture4-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah it’s really secluded back there, especially this time of year” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You make your way out the back of the Woodard patio and down the steps onto the path.]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Nature walk]]]
(set: $countdown to $countdown - 1)|avatar>[]
|display>[You decide to step in and offer your sage argument for winter being the best season]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Winter is the best season because you can be cozy and live inside without judgment, also hot cocoa hits absolutely different when it’s cold outside” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yup that’s what I was saying” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture2-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“You make me sad” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I’m spitting facts” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Whatever” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You emerge from the nature path and walk past the backside of the HCC and Arrington to arrive back on campus walk.]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Home stretch]] ]|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[You look at Friend B like he belongs in a looney bin and then state your opinion.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Let’s go around to the left, guys.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Sounds good to me.” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“But guuuuuyyyyyyyyys, we could be cool in Goolrick for the first time.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture4-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“We would also be dripping wet walking across campus.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Ugh, fine” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[After getting the delusion out of Friend B’s head, you make your way around the left side of the fountain, making sure not to get hit with a stray pulse of water from The Fountain of Greatness.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Simple enough, right guys?” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah whatever” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[On your way]]]
|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[You look at Friend B like he belongs in a looney bin and then state your opinion.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Let’s go around to the left, guys.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Sounds good to me.” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“But guuuuuyyyyyyyyys, we could be cool in Goolrick for the first time.” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture4-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“We would also be dripping wet walking across campus.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Ugh, fine” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[After getting the delusion out of Friend B’s head, you make your way around the left side of the fountain, making sure not to get hit with a stray pulse of water from The Fountain of Greatness.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[As you’re making your way around, you notice a wet spot that Friend A is approaching, but before you can say anything…]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“WOAH” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You see him slip and fall down in what can only be described as a goofy manner.]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[On your way]] ]
|avatar>[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
|display>[After pondering for a little bit, you decide that Friend B is onto something, and that a dip in the Fountain of Greatness could be exactly what you need.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Alright, let’s do it” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“REALLY?!” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture3-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Really?” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah sure why not” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You all walk up to the Fountain of Greatness and stand on the lip with bated breath.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“On the count of 3…3…2…1!” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and your friends simultaneously jump into the Fountain of Greatness and feel the cold water and jet streams all over your body.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“T-t-this water is p-p-pretty c-cold.” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture4-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I think it’s ref-f-freshing” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I think that’s enough” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You all exit the Fountain of Greatness and feel like it might’ve been a mistake to jump in fully clothed when you don’t have a change of clothes.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Well, hopefully we dry off before we get to Goolrick.” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“I think it’ll be great! We can stay cool in gym for once” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[On your way]] ]
(set: $countdown to $countdown - 1)(if: $countdown is 2 or 3)[
On time!
(go-to:"Arrive at practice: With 4 or 5 side quests")
](else-if: $countdown >= 4)[
You're early!
(go-to:"Arrive at practice (with 3 or less side-quests)")
You're late!
(go-to:"Arrive at practice: With 6 or more side quests")
|display>[You make your way up the stairs and through the open gym doors…]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Alright, we’re just on time!” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah! We don’t have to set up at all!” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture2-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Looks like we made the right amount of stops” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“You can say that again” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture2-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Let’s go play boys!” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture2-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah!” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and your friends arrive at practice right on time, people are there and already setting up]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You made it across campus in a good amount of time, but if you would like to see what would happen if you didn’t…]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Beginning Point]] ]|avatar>[]
|display>[You make your way up the stairs and through the open gym doors…]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Crap, they're already playing!” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture4-2048x1365.png" ALIGN="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“We took too long to get here!” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture6-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Looks that way doesn’t it” - You]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EwanPicture5-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Well let’s get in there I guess” - Friend B]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HarshaPicture5-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[“Yeah, before we get yelled at” - Friend A]
(replace: ?avatar)[<img src="https://harshithravuri.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BrysonPicture3-1-2048x1365.png" align="left" />]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You and your friends arrive at practice late, everyone is already there and they started without you.]
(click: ?nxt)[==
(replace: ?display)[You made it across campus far too slow, maybe next time try to be faster.]
(replace:?nxt)[ [[Beginning Point]] ]